So why all the casket tags and such...I don't know, but I love them...I like that they are strange and old. This bracelet is so a favorite of mine. While I was creating it I thought of that Hole song about "going to Portland"...I obtained two of these babies, and actually got to talk to a funeral home director in Oregon!
I wanted to be sure they were true vintage because the brass was so intact, so I called the home after coaxing my antique dealer Jeff into telling me where he got it! Ha! Sure enough, I was soon being quizzed by the director, he was asking me "what the heck" I wanted these for! I thought it was funny, so now I am telling you!
Just a little FYI, Portland Casket Co. does not exist anymore.
Mariam, you are so awesome. I had a look at your new website yesterday and it is gorgeous!
Also, I can't even begin to tell you how much I LOVE my necklace! You are amazing.
honey! thank you for your message last night. you are the sweetest. i can't wait to catch up with you next week and hear how your show went and tell you about beantown and baz biz. wee hoo! breathe breathe...
Hey Lady!
I wanted to let ya know I wore my bracelet today, and I got NOTHING BUT COMPLIMENTS all day long.
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